This wednesday our local louvain-la-neuve LUG (louvain-li-nux) will participate to a student fair showcasing all activity groups present in the university. We had the idea of creating a photo booth stand where people can stop by take a picture by pressing a button and then send that picture on a dynamic website or on a big projector live. All this using free software of course. It’s a good way to engage conversation with people!
I searched the internet for something existing but unfortunately couldn’t find anything except this little snippet of code for the Nokia 880 device. I took the code, embraced and extended it resulting in:
Basically it uses gstreamer to grab frames from the webcam then it feeds a double pipeline, one displaying the image on screen on the gtk widget, and the other allowing to take a buffer when the user clicks the button and encode it to whatever image format is needed.
There is of course the little countdown from 3 to ‘Smile’ when clicking the button, and i plan to add the white screen thingy when the shot is made.. I think apple can sue me right away
The code will be released next week after the application has been proved in the field to be stable enough